Tuesday 10 November 2009

Read in the shadow of the King George collection - The British Library

Not being a major fan of Kings or even libraries (Col, Jean really likes them) too much dust and quiteness, left us feeling completely underwhelmed before we even set foot in the place, which was good as its a sort of a place you need to be calm to appreciate it works.
First off, Newton in the thinking (man on loo) position helped cheer us up as we entered this fantasically drab red brick building. Once in, the quiteness and calmess took over and we hushed our way into the first room - the interesting titled Sir. For all the initial feelings of indifference, this place opened up our eyes. The very first book being an original Wordsworth followed very shortly by Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland complete with drawings and opened on page with "curiouser and curiouser" - cool. Also Beatles, Shakespere, Leonardo da Vinci (with backward writing) and loads of religious works, not sure what religious works and Alice in Wonderland have in common but perhaps it might be possible to think of a reason or two.
Overall a very worthwhile visit

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